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Error codes


This page contains an overview of possible error codes that may be displayed to end-users during usage of the BankID OpenID Connect provider. The document is intended for the development and support organizations of banks and merchants helping to deal with customer incidents.

The error codes are grouped according to their source of origin, and are divided into a set of categories. Note that the collection of error codes presented by this service is a combination of:

  • special error codes associated to this OpenID Connect provider
  • common BankID error codes originating in the common BankID components and infrastructure


Error codes are grouped according to their source of origin and/or type of error based on the first digit(s) of the error code.

Prefix Description
D or no prefix Errors originating in the OIDC web client or related to the OIDC platform in general
S Errors related to signing


The BankID OpenID Connect provider is working as a wrapper around the common BankID components and infrastructure. For this reason any common BankID error code may also be presented by this service.

Errors originating from BankID web client or infrastructure

Error situations originating from the common BankID web client or BankID infrastructure (BankID COI) are presented by the BankID client in the usual way.

See Overview of BankID error codes.


Errors are divided into the following categories. Each category has an associated multi purpose error message to the end user.

ID Category End user message Actions available
1_GEN Generic An error has occurred. Please try again. If the error continues to occur, please contact the bank that has issued your BankID and refer to the following code: OIDC-XXXX Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session.
2_API API error An error has occurred. Please contact the bank that has issued your BankID, and refer to the following code: OIDC-XXXX. Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session.
3_COM Communication error A communication error has occured. If the error continues to occur, please contact the bank that has issued your BankID, and refer to the following code: OIDC-XXXX. Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session.
6_UNREC Unrecoverable error
An error has occurred
We apologise for the inconvenience, and ask you to close the page and try again. Should the error repeat itself, contact support and refer to the following code: OIDC-XXX
Shows a button that will cancel the session and try to redirect to cancellation endpoint.
7_SKIP Unrecoverable error (skip)
Returns to cancel authentication immediately due to critical error
None. User is immediately redirected back to cancelAuth endpoint.
9_CAS Cookie Activation Service None. User is immediately redirected back to cancelAuth endpoint.

Error codes

Code Category Description Action/solution
4096 1_GEN Unexpected script error Contact BankID support.
4100 1_GEN Method selected, but the IDP argument is missing Contact BankID support.
4101 1_GEN Failed to get session when handling error from IDP during initialization Contact BankID support.
1200 1_GEN BID helper did not load Problem loading BankID client. Contact BankID support.
1201 1_GEN BID callback gave error Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
1202 1_GEN BID callback missing result Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
1203 1_GEN BID callback status error Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
1204 1_GEN BID helper did not load within a reasonable time Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
1205 1_GEN BID helper url missing Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
14003 2_API Composite-idp could not communicate with SDM server Problem with BankID client. Contact BankID support.
4096 9_CAS Generic error Contact BankID support.
4097 9_CAS Could not open set cookie window from iframe Contact BankID support.
4098 9_CAS Could not set cookie in set cookie window Contact BankID support.
4099 9_CAS Sending event log took to long (never sent to server) Contact BankID support.
4100 9_CAS User exists client without finishing session Contact BankID support.
4101 9_CAS Set Cookie Window is opened and it's not in correct state Contact BankID support.
Code Category Description Action/solution
D010 1_GEN API request api/session/{sid}/removeError failed - Likely communication error Contact BankID support.
D011 1_GEN API request for generic IDP failed - Likely communication error Problem connecting to identity provider. Try another authentication method or contact BankID support.
D108 1_GEN API request /api/session/{sid}/removeError returned error Contact BankID support.
D112 1_GEN Generic IDP request returned error Problem connecting to identity provider. Try another authentication method or contact BankID support.
D103 2_API API request /api/session/{sid} responded with error Problem with user session. Contact BankID support.
D105 2_API API request /api/bid/initialize responded with error Problem with BankID. Contact BankID support.
D107 2_API API request /api/bid/initialize returned error and /api/session/{sid} did not give errorCode Problem with BankID. Contact BankID support.
D002 3_COM API request /api/session failed - Likely communication error Network error. Try again later or contact BankID support if the problem persists.
D007 3_COM API request api/bid/initialize failed - Likely communication error Network error. Try again later or contact BankID support if the problem persists.
D008 3_COM API request api/cancelAuth failed - Likely communication error Network error. Try again later or contact BankID support if the problem persists.
D009 3_COM API request api/bid/initialize and api/session/{sid} failed - Likely communication error Network error. Try again later or contact BankID support if the problem persists.
D000 6_UNREC No legal action provided from composite-idp Contact BankID support.
D001 7_SKIP Session could not be found by composite-idp Problem with authentication session. Session aborted.
D300 7_SKIP No sid provided from composite-idp Session not found.
Code Category Description Action/solution
S100 1_GEN Cannot start signing, order not found Cannot find signing order. Make sure that documents are uploaded and signing order is embedded with the authentication request.