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What is BankID with OpenID Connect?

BankID over OpenID Connect is de-facto way to integrate BankID identification or signing in your services.

By leveraging industry-standard protocols, you can easily integrate BankID with your existing systems and services. This allows you to provide a seamless and secure user experience for your customers.

These pages will guide you through the process of integrating BankID, either as a way to identify your customers or sign documents.

Identification and digital onboarding

BankID offers authentication both on the highest and substantial level of assurance and is the preferred authentication method for public services, bank services, and a lot of other business segments and applications.

Our experience is that businesses have very varied needs and requirements when it comes to digital onboarding. As such, you may use our BankID products differently, depending on what you need.

See our getting started guide for how to start building your BankID OIDC integration.

Document signing

We offer several products related to electronic signing, such as PAdES and SEID-SDO signing. These products allow you to sign documents electronically, either as a natural part of your onboarding process or as a standalone service.


PAdES is our most recent e-signature product, and is well suited for signing PDF documents. It's the only solution that supports multiple end user signatures through serial signing where the output from one signing session is used as input for the next. This supports end-user signature stand-alone (as well as end-user and merchant signatures).


SEID-SDO allows signing of PDF documents, as well as XML-files and plain text.

Simple text signing

Our most basic solution allows signing of text only.

Signature product comparison

Feature PAdES SEID-SDO Simple text signing
Envelope PAdES SEID-SDO Basic signature
Signature types Combined end user and merchant signature
End user signature only
Combined end user and merchant signature Combined end user and merchant signature
Document types PDF PDF, XML and Text Text (limited length)
Number of documents Multiple Multiple Single
Identity Providers BankID High BankID High BankID High
Multiple end user signatures in same envelope Serial signing (PAdES)
Customization - User interface options
- Timeout settings
- Placing of signature seals
- User interface options
- Timeout settings
Final result - PAdES envelope
- PAdES appendix
- Document hash
- SEID-SDO envelope
- Basic signature
- Document hash
- Basic signature
- Document hash

Next steps