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Scopes and Claims

The notions of scopes and claims are at the heart of OpenID Connect and OAuth2.

  • A scope is a way for the Relaying Party (merchant) to indicate to the OIDC Provider what service or data it requests access to.
  • The response from a OIDC Provider consists of tokens with attributes on the user and the authentication event. The key/values in these tokens are referred to as claims.

The set of claims returned in a token response from the may differ from the set of claims that were requested:

  • First, because an Relaying Party may not be eligible to the full set of claims that are supported by the BankID OIDC Provider.
  • Second, because the end-user may need to provide consent.


Note that the set of scopes and claims that an OIDC client may get access to is configured on a per-client basis as part of the provisioning process which your BankID partner will help you with.

Supported scopes

  • Some scopes will result in ID Token claims (once the authorization code is exchanged for tokens)
  • Some scopes will result in additional tokens in token response, i.e. bankid_proof.
  • Some scopes will result in a resource_access part in the Access Token (once the authorization code is exchanged for tokens). This is needed when downloading the actual results (claims) from the designated resource servers, using this Access token as a bearer token.
  • Some scopes will result in specific flows, i.e. sign, chgpwd.
Scope Description API Result Further actions
openid Used to get the minimum part of the ID Token. Can be used to authenticate users in an anonymous way. authorize Claims in ID Token
profile Used to enrich the ID Token with the end user's name and birthdate. Does not involve end user consent. authorize Claims in ID Token
nnin_altsub Used to enrich the ID Token with end user's national identity number. Does not involve end user consent. authorize nnin_altsub as part of ID Token nnin_altsub can not be used to onboard new customers if you don't already possess their national identity number. For onboarding purposes, nnin must be used, which prompt end user consent for storing this data point.
nnin Used to request access to end user's national identity number. This will prompt end user consent for sharing their data. authorize resource_access to TINFO resource server, as part of the Access token nnin is downloaded through userinfo
bankid_proof Used to retrieve proof of BankID High or BankID on Mobile authentication by including end user signature, OSCP response and information used to generate message digest signed by end-user. authorize bankid_proof in token response See BankID Proof for more information.
chgpwd Used to initiate an enduser change of password in the BankID WebClient. authorize no additional claims The end user is prompted for a new password for a BankID High authentication. This scope cannot be used together with the sign scope.
signdoc/read_write Used for creating and uploading a signing order to the SignDoc resource server through client credential grant. token resource_access to SignDoc resource server, as part of the Access token
sign Used when initiating a signing transaction authorize resource_access to SignDoc resource server, as part of the Access token Claims are downloaded through signdoc or signdoc/pades, depending on the solution
address Used to request access to end user's address. This will prompt end user consent for sharing their data. authorize resource_access to TINFO resource server, as part of the Access token Claims are downloaded through userinfo This scope is in BETA phase and currently the end user experience is not optimal.
phone Used to request access to end user's phone number. This will prompt end user consent for sharing their data. authorize resource_access to TINFO resource server, as part of the Access token Claims are downloaded through userinfo This scope is in BETA phase and currently the end user experience is not optimal.
email Used to request access to end user's email address. This will prompt end user consent for sharing their data. authorize resource_access to TINFO resource server, as part of the Access token Claims are downloaded through userinfo This scope is in BETA phase and currently the end user experience is not optimal.
aml_person/basic Used to request access to AML data for a person. authorize, token resource_access to AML resource server, as part of the Access token
aml_person/monitor Used to request monitor access for a person. token resource_access to AML resource server
aml_person/OFAC Used to request OFAC access authorize, token resource_access to AML resource server
aml_organization/basic Used to request access to AML data for an organization. token resource_access to AML resource server
aml_organization/monitor Used to request monitor access for an organization. token resource_access to AML resource server
operational-status/read Used to request access to operational status data. token resource_access to Operational Status resource server