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The userinfo endpoint may be used to retrieve additional information about an end user beyond what is contained in the ID Token.


  1. The end-user completes the BankID authentication process though the authorization endpoint.
  2. If the client has requested any of the userinfo scopes, a consent dialog is shown.
  3. After consent is given, the client receives the callback to the callback URL.
  4. The client performs token exchange and validation to get the Access and ID Tokens.
  5. The client calls the userinfo endpoint using the Access Token to retrieve the consented information about the end user.

Sequence diagram

    actor u as User
    participant Merchant as Your Web App
    participant BankID as BankID
    participant UserInfo as UserInfo API

    u ->> Merchant: Request login
    Note right of Merchant: Client redirects user to BankID
    Merchant->>BankID: GET /authorize?scope=openid+email&client_id=...
    BankID->>u: Consent dialog is shown after BankID authentication
    u-->>BankID: Gives consent
    BankID-->> Merchant: Redirect to callback with code
    Note right of Merchant: Client fetches tokens and verifies
    Merchant->>BankID: POST /token with code
    BankID-->>Merchant: Tokens
    Note right of BankID: Client fetches userinfo using Access Token from end user
    Merchant->>UserInfo: GET /userinfo
    UserInfo-->>Merchant: User information
    Merchant->>u: Authentication complete



You will always find the up-to-date URL for the Userinfo Endpoint in the OpenID Configuration - as userinfo_endpoint.


GET [userinfo_endpoint]


Authorization: Bearer [access_token]


The response contains the user information as a signed JWT format.

  "kid" : "HN2z_WSedilULh8qvzPBgOi95l3l_xsgMK-O_NN0zLU",
  "typ" : "JWT",
  "alg" : "RS256"
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "9578-6000-4-00001",
  "aud": "oidc-testclient",
  "name": "Ola Normann",
  "given_name": "Ola",
  "family_name": "Normann",
  "updated_at": 1519992419860,
  "email": "",
  "birthdate": "110286",
  "phone_number": "95871775",
  "address": {
    "formatted": "Veien 311\nOslo 0772",
    "street_address": "Veien 311",
    "locality": "0772",
    "postal_code": "Oslo"