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PAdES signing

BankID offers a PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures) signing solution that allows you to sign PDF documents for long-term validation.

  • Supports multiple end user signatures through serial signing where the output from one signing session is used as input for the next
  • Allows you to configure the visible seal applied to the PDF document after signing.
  • Supports end-user signature stand-alone (as well as end-user and merchant signatures)


The BankID PAdES signing flow makes use of the SignDoc API to:

  • create a sign order by uploading the document(s) to be signed
  • check the status of the signing process
  • download the signed document(s) after the signing process is complete

In order to use the PAdES signing flow, you need to get an access token with the signdoc/read_write scope and use it to create a sign order.

Furthermore, you need to redirect the end user to the BankID authorize endpoint with the sign scope and the sign_id parameter.

Finally, you can download the signed document(s) using the SignDoc API once the signing process is complete.


  1. Request an access token with the signdoc/read_write scope using Client Credentials flow.
  2. Create a sign order by uploading the document(s) to be signed to the SignDoc API. You will receive a sign_id.
  3. Redirect the end user to the BankID authorize endpoint with the sign scope and the sign_id parameter.
  4. The end user signs the document(s).
  5. You can check the status of the signing process using the SignDoc API. (Optional)
  6. The BankID OIDC Provider returns to your callback URL following the standard Authorization Code flow.
  7. Your service exchanges the code for tokens and verifies them.
  8. Download the signed document(s) using the SignDoc API once the signing process is complete.


The sign order is only valid for 90 seconds before signing starts, and 90 seconds after signing ends.

Sequence diagram

    actor u as User
    participant Merchant as Your Web App
    participant BankID as BankID
    participant SignDoc as SignDoc API
    u ->> Merchant: Request signing
    Note right of Merchant: (1) Client requests access token
    Merchant->>BankID: POST /token with `signdoc/read_write` scope
    BankID-->>Merchant: Access token
    Note right of Merchant: (2) Client creates sign order
    Merchant-->>SignDoc: POST /signdoc/pades with parameters and document(s) data
    SignDoc-->>Merchant: Sign ID
    Note right of Merchant: (3) Client redirects user to BankID with sign_id
    Merchant->>BankID: GET /authorize?scope=sign&sign_id=xxxx-xxxx&client_id=...
    BankID-->> Merchant: Redirect to callback with code
    Note right of Merchant: (7) Client fetches tokens and verifies
    Merchant->>BankID: POST /token with code
    BankID-->>Merchant: ID tokens
    Note right of Merchant: (8) Client downloads signed document(s)
    Merchant->>SignDoc: DELETE /signdoc/pades?sign_id={sign_id}
    SignDoc-->>Merchant: Signing results and document(s)
    Merchant->>u: Signing complete



You will always find the up-to-date URL for the SignDoc API in the OpenID Configuration - as signdoc-baseurl.


Create a sign order


POST [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc/pades

You can find the signdoc-baseurl for the appropriate environment in the OpenID Configuration.

Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
Content-Type: application/json
  "signProperties": {
    "orderName": "My order name",
    "documentDisplayMode": "interior",
    "showConfirmation": true,
    "showUnderstanding": true,
    "timeoutSeconds": 1800
  "padesSignProperties": {
    "addVisualSeals": true
  "documents": [
      "description": "My document",
      "pdf": "JVBER...",
      "pdfSpec": "PDFA_2B",
      "merchantSealPos": {
        "x": 100,
        "y": 80,
        "page": 1
      "endUserSealPos": {
        "x": 200,
        "y": 80,
        "page": 1
  "resultContent": [


201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

The result contains the sign_id reference which is used to identify the sign order.

With no pdfSpec specified:

  "signId": "2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf"

With pdfSpec specified:

  "sign_id": "2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf",
  "conversionResults": [
      "conversionId": "d886b218-af9f-4765-a9e1-d819fec6abbe",
      "description": "My order name - 1",
      "converted": true,
      "conversionErrors": [],
      "conversionWarnings": [
        "Visual differences in output PDF",
        "Removed interactive elements such as actions or annotations"
      "conversionId": "1b4c673a-9d9e-4680-8aa2-810a31d50d8c",
      "description": "My order name - 2",
      "converted": true,
      "conversionErrors": [],
      "conversionWarnings": [
        "Visual differences in output PDF",
        "Removed interactive elements such as actions or annotations"
Conversion results

conversionWarnings contains an array of warnings that occurred during the conversion.

Possible values are:

VISUAL_DIFF("Visual differences in output PDF")
COLORANTS("Resolve name collisions of colorants")
OCG_REMOVED("Removed optional content groups (layers)")
TRANSP_REMOVED("Transparency removed")
XMP_REMOVED("Removed non convertible XMP metadata")
FONT_SUBST("Font substituted")
ACTION_REMOVED( "Removed interactive elements such as actions or annotations")
STRUCTURE_REMOVED("Structure removed")

Documents that could not be converted will have a list of errors in conversionErrors:

CORRUPT("Document is corrupt")
DOC_SIGNED("Document contains signatures")
EF_REMOVED("Embedded files removed")
GENERIC_ERROR("Unknown error")
DISABLED("PDF conversion is disabled")

In CURRENT the response will always be DISABLED("PDF conversion is disabled") and "converted" = false

Check the status of a sign order


GET [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc/pades?sign_id={sign_id}
Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
Content-Type: application/json


200 OK

Sign order was found. Returns the order state.

    "orderState": "ORDER_RECEIVED"

Possible values are:


Download signing results


DELETE [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc/pades?sign_id={sign_id}
Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
Content-Type: application/json


200 OK
  "signingResults": [
      "signedDocumentSha256": "u0XXG...",
      "padesSignedPdf": "JVBER...",
      "padesAppendix": "DQoxMiAw...",
      "description": "My order name - 1",
      "unsignedDocumentSha256": "QJ2y8..."
  "signId": "4120de56-4391-4e5a-adea-a28e62daac7e",
  "orderName": "My order name",
  "orderState": "SIGN_COMPLETED"